4 Handy Twitter Apps You Might Find Useful

Many applications serve to make your Twitter experience more convenient. Several of them allow you to schedule tweets to be posted at a later date and time. There is some controversy over whether these are a good idea or not.
Many people feel they sorely neglect the social aspect of Twitter, which is the main point of the site. Other people, however, like the flexibility of being able to schedule tweets for times they are unavailable to do so manually.
Tweet Later
This is a popular service for scheduling tweets. Tweet Later lets you set up a tweet or a series of tweets and schedule them for broadcast later. Tweet Later will also let you automatically follow anyone who follows you and you can even automatically send a welcome message to your new followers.

Social Too
This application gives you the option of automatically following anyone who follows you. It will also send you a daily email with the names of everyone who follows you or un-follows you each day. Some people like to know who unfollows them, as they believe it will help determine if they are tweeting unpopular posts. However, the general consensus is to not worry so much about those who un-follow you. There are plenty of fish in the Twitter Sea and if someone decides to stop following you, it doesn't necessarily have any great impact on you or your business.

Twitter Grader 
There are also some services to help you connect with appropriate people to follow. One of the most popular one of these is Twitter Grader. Twitter Grader calculates the power of your Twitter network based on who you follow, who follows you and how often you tweet. The more popular your followers the higher your Twitter Grade. Twitter Grader also gives you suggestions for people to follow based on your profile and the most commonly used words in your tweets.

Twitter Buttons 
This is a site where you can pick up cute buttons to paste on your website, blog, newsletter and more that encourage people to follow you on Twitter. They‟re free and updated frequently.
4 Handy Twitter Apps You Might Find Useful 4 Handy Twitter Apps You Might Find Useful Reviewed by Cars Explorers on 03:56:00 Rating: 5

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