A Secret Method to Get Thousands of Free Backlinks

Building free backlinks can be a real pain in the neck. It can be incredibly time consuming and at times seem like your hard work is not paying off at all. If you consider the alternative of buying backlinks, then it will probably scare you back to building free back links. A single PR7 link can cost as much as $200 per year!

The 'standard' free backlink techniques like posting on forums and commenting on blogs still work quite well. The only problem is that a lot of forums and blogs now have a nofollow tag that renders all links useless for the purposes of link building at least.

Because free backlinks are mostly on low PR pages (even though they may be on high PR sites) you need a lot of them to really increase the Google Page Rank on your site. Building a thousand free back links can take a long time and if you are not diligent and consistent you can easily fall behind.

There's a lot of great new sites and tools coming out to help you feed this hungry monster. Not only can tools such as Linkvana and ArticleMarketer save you an enormous amount of time, it can build backlinks for you at a scale that's impossible to do manually. If you want to be competitive in today's marketing mad internet, then you are going to have to get smarter just to keep up with your competition.

Backlinking tools can get expensive. Paying a $149 per month fee is not cheap - and that's just for one tool.

That's one of the main reasons why I like to think outside the box with linkbuilding. One of the most powerful methods for building thousands of free backlinks is in getting your back links to build automatically.

How do you do that?

There are several methods but the most effective on is to sponsor a Wordpress Theme and in sponsoring it, you get to embed your URL in the footer. By making your Wordpress Theme available for download on theme directories, you can potentially get massive exposure.
Think about it. If just one site uses your theme and they have 10 pages indexed, then that's 10 backlinks to your site. 100% automatic and 100% 'free'. Some of the most popular Wordpress Themes get hundreds of thousands of downloads a week.

Making this linkbuilding method work well for you requires a bit of experience. You have to get a great design. This is what will make people actually use your theme and in the end send thousands of back links to your site.

Be sure to use anchor text in your link as this will add even more linkjuice each and every one of these links. This method will probably not give you instant results, but if you do it well it will pay off unlike any other link building method. These will be 100% legitimate links from 100% real sites. No dodgy link exchanges or tedious blog commenting.

A Secret Method to Get Thousands of Free Backlinks A Secret Method to Get Thousands of Free Backlinks Reviewed by Cars Explorers on 22:31:00 Rating: 5

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